LOL: Avicci Killed Himself with a PIECE OF BROKEN GLASS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2018

I hate this piece of shit and news of his death was one of the happiest moments of my year thus far.

Suicide is a coward’s way out, just as making the world’s shittiest music is the coward’s way in.

But I gotta give the dude credit for doing it with a piece of broken glass.

That’s hardcore.

I guess for this hardcore form of suicide he deserves to have at his funeral like, 21 trannies throw glowsticks into the air.

Fox News:

Swedish EDM star Avicii used a broken glass bottle to commit suicide, TMZ reports.

Sources reportedly told the outlet that Avicii, whose real name was Tim Bergling, committed suicide by cutting himself with a shard of glass from a broken wine bottle.

The news of the 28-year-old’s cause of death comes after his family released a statement alluding to the fact that the DJ had intended to kill himself.

“Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions. An over-achieving perfectionist who traveled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress,” read the statement, released Thursday. “When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most — music.”

According to TMZ, while some sources claim the fatal wound was inflicted on Avicii’s neck, another said it was the DJ’s wrist. Neither story has been confirmed.

We’re still waiting on an apology from his family, by the way.

They’re just going around laughing, yucking it up.


It has not been forthcoming.

Avicii’s music destroyed millions of people’s lives – and then he just dips out with a piece of broken glass and no one has to answer for it?


It’s not right.

His parents need to go on a global apology tour.

It’s all over and it’s time to wake up and deal with the problems your evil son created, Avicii family.

Here’s the before and after pic of a girl who listened to “wake me up” on repeat for 2 weeks straight:

Here’s her poor sonovabitching boyfriend:

Someone needs to answer for this shit.