Daily Stormer
June 15, 2014

Bobby Lee Pearson, a 37-year-old career criminal, got an unbelievable break Wednesday that allowed him to stride out of a Fresno jail a free man.
A jury hearing his burglary case was divided 8-4 in favor of guilt, prosecutors say. But they mistakenly checked the “not guilty” box on the court form, an error that a judge determined could not be corrected.
Less than an hour after being released, Pearson was dead. Police say he was stabbed to death by his sister’s boyfriend at her house when he arrived to retrieve his belongings.
Authorities arrested the boyfriend, 35-year-old Willie Gray, of Fresno, on suspicion of murder Thursday.
“Weird stuff, huh?” said Fresno police Sgt. Jaime Rios. “That he’s released and while he’s out, he’s murdered. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it.”
At a news conference Thursday afternoon, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said Pearson had 11 previous criminal convictions and was a member of a local street gang.
Weird, wacky stuff, Sarge.