LOL: Black Congressman’s Grandson Killed for His Shoes in Chicago!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2016


This is highly symbolic.

It very much appears that putting black people in positions of power, treating them as total equals, has not helped the black community.

In fact, the opposite appears to be the case.

Fox News:

A dispute over shoes led to the fatal shooting of the grandson of Illinois U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, Chicago police said Saturday.

At least two attackers went to the home of 15-year-old Jovan Wilson in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago on Friday night and shot him in the head after an argument, police said.

“This stems from a dispute over shoes, basketball shoes,” police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

Guglielmi said Wilson knew his attackers and they may have been friends at some point. The shooting was not, as previously reported, a home invasion.

“Young people are using guns to settle petty disputes over clothes,” Guglielmi said.

lol yes.

It’s a youth problem.

That’s all.

Chicago has seen a dramatic rise in the number of shootings and homicides, with August being the deadliest month in the city in two decades. There have been 673 homicides so far this year, including the fatal shootings of the cousin of Chicago Bull Dwyane Wade, a Chicago police officer’s son and the son of a famed percussionist.

Davis said in a statement that Wilson’s mother was not at home, but Wilson’s uncle and three siblings were.

“I grieve for my family. I grieve for the young man who pulled the trigger,” Davis said in a statement. “I grieve for his family, his parents, his friends.”

Police have not arrested anyone or named any suspects, but Guglielmi said investigators have good leads.

It seems to me that whites aren’t the only ones who would benefit from a return to Jim Crow.

Blacks never had these problems when they were treated like blacks.

This congressman needs to resign over this.

It’s ridiculous.

He’s blaming the guns.

I could have easily gotten a hold of a gun when I was 15. Never in my life would it have crossed my mind that I should use it to kill someone for their shoes.

This is not a gun problem. This is not a “young people” problem. It is a black problem. And we’re not going to solve it until we discuss it in those terms.