LOL: Mutant Cruzman Sachs Names Beanbag-Face Fiorna as Running Mate

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2016

ted cruz carly fiorina troma films

The delusional Cuban psychopath Tedman Sachs has named a fellow mutated weirdo as has running mate.


U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, looking to slow front-runner Donald Trump’s momentum, was expected to announce on Wednesday that former business executive Carly Fiorina will be his vice presidential running mate if he wins his party’s nomination, media reports said.

The reports by WMUR, an ABC station in Manchester, New Hampshire, and other news outlets followed a statement from Cruz that he would make a major announcement at a 4 p.m. EDT (2000 GMT) rally. He gave no further details.

Fiorina, 61, endorsed Cruz, a 45-year-old U.S. senator from Texas, for the nomination in March, one month after she dropped her own White House bid. She has been a sharp critic on the campaign trail of likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Because you have to have a feminist to fight a feminist.

It’s like that time Spider-Man had to call on Venom to help him fight Carnage.


Exactly. Like. That.

The unusually early announcement of a running mate appeared to be a bid by Cruz to recover from Tuesday’s crushing losses to Trump, who swept nominating contests in five U.S. Northeastern states and moved closer to the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the nomination at the July 18-21 Republican convention in Cleveland. The nominee will face the Democrats’ pick in November’s general election.

Traditionally, the winners of the Republican and Democratic presidential races announce their running mates in the period between clinching the nomination and the summer national conventions.

But Cruz needs a boost after Tuesday’s drubbing by Trump, 69, in all five states that held primary elections: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

If the Cruz campaign was ever going to reach the point Jeb Bush’s campaign reached, when even I was like “wow, now I feel bad, this is so sad,” that point would be right now.

I mean. This really is like watching a rat flail around on sticky rat-paper – both disgusting and sad.

This would be the point at which the rat has flailed around enough to get its face stuck, and his hissing and gnashing its teeth trying to get its face free of the glue.

Regrettably, all people hate Ted Cruz with such a deep, visceral hatred that no one could ever feel bad for him, no matter how sick and pathetic his actions become.

carly fiorina deformed face

Rumor has it that Carly Fiorina’s plastic surgery was originally “very good,” but then she fell asleep next to a space heater and all the chemicals in her face “melted like wax.”

People are no doubt simply going to be further enraged that he’s forced them to once again see the sick, mutated face of Carly Fiorina on TV and the internet, something which even serious sickos were not keen on dealing with.