LOL: British Cops Use Taser on Own Diversity Officer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017

Who’s to say their own diversity officer wasn’t showing up to rob them?

I mean, when I see a black guy show up anywhere, I assume he’s there to steal or rape something.

That’s just statistics.

Washington Post:

Judah Adunbi has spent the greater part of a decade trying to improve relations between police in southwestern England and the members of his Afro-Caribbean community.

Still, all the advocacy and the meetings with police were ineffective in getting the 63-year-old dreadlocked man out of the predicament he was in earlier this month — staring at the business end of a police officer’s Taser.

Adunbi had been out walking his dog in Bristol, about 120 miles west of London, when officers mistook him for a robbery suspect, according to the Guardian. They didn’t know him — or that he was a founding member of the police department’s Independent Advisory Group, an organization formed to improve police-community relations.

The officers asked his name but, agitated, Adunbi refused to tell them.

“I’ve done no wrong,” he said, the entire incident captured by a neighbor who started filming. “Leave me alone.”

He does make an effort to show he’s not a threat. When an officer says he’s holding his keys in a threatening manner, he puts his hands over his head, then clasps his arms behind his back. Still, the confrontation intensifies.

“I’ve asked you to remain calm,” an officer asks.

“Your sergeant is going to Taser me for whatever reason,” Adunbi says, his incredulity mixing in with a thick Caribbean accent.

His entreaties are not enough. When Adunbi tries to go into his home, the officers stop him at the gate. A struggle ensues, and an officer pulls out a black and yellow stun gun.

She pulls the trigger and yells “Taser” three times.

A prong strikes Adunbi just below the chin, sending 50,000 volts through his body. He falls to the ground, now paralyzed, his head striking the pavement.

“All right, you’re being Tasered. Okay, you’re under arrest.”

When he was taken to the hospital, the wire from the Taser still dangled from his face.

Maybe if blacks don’t want to be assumed to be criminals, they should stop engaging in all of these criminal acts, no?