LOL: Duterte Assigns Literal Nazi to be UN Representative

Daily Stormer
October 5, 2016

Sounds like ambassador material to me.

This whole Flip situation is just getting better and better as the days pass.

I mean, Duterte is awesome enough as it is. That he’d start sending guys to the UN to defend Nazism is beyond my wildest expectations.


A new petition on is calling on the U.N. to reject the imminent appointment of controversial Philippines media personality Teodoro “Teddy Boy” Locsin Jr. as the country’s new permanent representative to the global body.

The campaign, which has so far garnered over 5,100 signatures, has been sparked by several recent posts on what appear to be Locsin’s Twitter account.



Indeed, objectively, right wing death squads are pretty awesome tbh fam.

This guys is literaly defending Nazi germany on social media, as a Filipino ambassador.


Best year EVAH!

The Twitter account — it is unverified by Twitter as Locsin’s account but an account with the same name is regularly cited in Philippine media as belonging to Locsin — has featured several bizarre, Nazi-themed remarks in the past months.

In response to a tweet by the Huffington Post about the strangling death of an unarmed black man by police in Mississippi, Locsin apparently tweeted:

This guy is woke af.

Trolling Huffington Post? I’m in love.



Honestly, this guy is a riot. I suggest you give his twitter a gander.