LOL: Germany Tells EU to Divert 10% of All Funds to “Migrants”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2016


We need more money to get more of these people into Europe, goyim. Only a racist hater would ask “why?”

Eventually, they’re going to pay the pensions of old Whites.

But first, we must spend trillions on them.

The Guardian:

Germany wants to divert 10% of the EU budget towards dealing with the refugee crisis, after a lack of joined-up thinking exacerbated the challenges posed by irregular migration to Europe.

The German development minister, Gerd Müller, said the EU’s current mechanisms for responding to the refugee crisis were not fit for purpose, and suggested appointing a special commissioner to lead a combined European refugee strategy, as well as other global humanitarian challenges.

“We need to respond to this with new instruments and my proposal regarding the refugee crisis is that 10% of the EU budget be shifted in order to respond to this crisis,” said Müller, speaking on the sidelines of the world humanitarian summit in Istanbul.

Müller’s proposal follows a year in which Europe’s leaders responded to a wave of migration at its borders with a fragmented series of strategies and promises, many of which they failed to uphold, or were slow to enact.

In April last year, leaders said they would crack down on Libyan smugglers, but the mission took until September to get under way, and has largely been a failure.

It’s actually enable smugglers.

So it was worse than a failure.

I’m not even sure what the word is for trying to do something and accomplishing the opposite of your stated goal, but “failure” would just mean not accomplishing your goal.

In September, EU members pledged to relocate 120,000 refugees from Greece and Italy, the frontline states where most new asylum seekers enter Europe. But despite renewing these vows in March, less than 1% of the refugees concerned have been moved. Similarly low numbers have been resettled directly from the Middle East.

In January, European and western leaders promised to send billions of pounds to countries in the Middle East where refugees form substantial proportions of the population – but so far only a sixth of the money has been paid.

In general, Europe has been divided on which strategies to follow, with Germany and the Netherlands arguing for mass resettlement from the Middle East, while hardliners in countries such as Hungary built fences and changed their asylum laws to make life harder for refugees.

Alluding to some of these problems, Müller said: “We can’t just go from one summit to the next, making statements that we don’t fulfil.”

Müller said: “We need a single commissioner responsible for all these crises. We need a single fund of €10bn to be set up by shifting EU budget funds.”

He added: “As far as European commitments are concerned, a high commissioner from the EU could then administer pledges made at conferences such as London.”

Asked if Müller’s proposal had been mistranslated, a spokesperson for his ministry confirmed his comments were interpreted correctly. She added that the €10bn “should not be on top of the current EU budget, but should be achieved by restructuring the current budget”.


People are all like “oh no he didn’t – must be a mistranslation!”

But yes, friends: he did.

10% of the entire budget needs to be allocated to flooding Europe with unassimilable Islamic terrorists from every third world Moslem hellhole on the planet.

For no reason.