LOL: Great Ally Turkey Beating, Shooting and Murdering “Migrants”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2016

Turkey has been caught beating, shooting and murdering “migrants” crossing the border from Syria.

This news comes as Merkel is constantly traveling to Ankara and championing Turkey as our new greatest ally.

The Independent:

A three-year-old child is among the Syrian refugees shot while trying to reach safety in Turkey, witnesses have said as reports of attacks and brutality continue.

The Turkish interior ministry has denied allegations that its border guards are shooting and beating asylum seekers but footage obtained by Human Rights Watch (HRW) shows the bodies of men of women, as well as several injured people with gunshot wounds and extensive bruising.

During March and April of this year, the organisation documented five deaths, including a child, and said at least 14 others were wounded as border guards allegedly attempt to force Syrians back from the border.

“While senior Turkish officials claim they are welcoming Syrian refugees with open borders and open arms, their border guards are killing and beating them,” Gerry Simpson, HRW’s senior refugee researcher.

“Firing at traumatised men, women, and children fleeing fighting and indiscriminate warfare is truly appalling.”

She’s ignored the fact that Turkey imprisons and prosecutes journalists and the fact that they openly buy oil and ship weapons to ISIS. She’ll ignore this too.

Because this invasion was never about helping the poor, innocent and defenseless “migrants.” If that were the case, she would be like “hey Erdogan, you’ve got to stop murdering people on your border – our greatest duty is to take care of these innocents.”

Instead, this report and video footage – from Human Rights Watch, a big “respected” Jewish NGO – is ignored and blacked out in the media.

Because the goal of the migrant invasion is simply to destroy the European race. These people are a weapon. They have weaponized our empathy.

It’s genocide.

By any means necessary.
