LOL: Jew Who Told Me the Alt-Right Would Die After Trump Loss Dies After Trump Win – Of Cancer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2017

You may remember last year, just a few days before the election, I did an interview with the Jew Alan Colmes.

During that goofy interview, this Jew told me that Trump was going to lose and my movement – the Alt-Right – would die.

Instead, the opposite thing happened.


Who’s laughing now, Colmes?

Not you, buddy – you’re dead from CANCER!

This is what you get when you oppose the memetic forces of the universe and the frog god who controls them.

He died from Lymphoma!

A toast then – to Lymphoma!

Lord of the CANCERS!

A King among CANCERS!

They should have given Lymphoma an award instead of that stupid nigger movie.

Hell, Lymphoma doesn’t just deserve an Oscar for its performance killing Alan Colmes – it deserves a Nobel Peace Prize!