LOL: Kurds Say US Standing by and Watching Them Die

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2018

600 dead Kurd-commies is great. But I want to know how many of these sluts have been raped!

I don’t ever really know what is going on in the Middle East under Donald Trump. The reason I don’t know is that no one knows. You have Trump apparently standing up against the “deep state” CIA forces funding terrorists in the region, but you also have these terrorist-funding operations ongoing.

It is hard to make sense of.

We just see these little snippets.

This is a good snippet.

It’s looking very much like my prediction – that Trump was going to allow the Turks to roll over the Kurds as a method to end post-war US involvement in the country – is coming true.


Crowds have taken to the streets of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian city of Kobani to denounce Turkey’s Operation ‘Olive Branch’ in Afrin. They say the US-led coalition is turning a blind eye to the Turkish military campaign.

On Sunday, residents of the northern city, near the Turkish border, rallied against Ankara’s ongoing operation targeting the US-backed Kurdish force, which Turkey links to terrorists.

Ankara launched ‘Olive Branch’ on January 20 and has killed almost 600 Kurdish militiamen in nine days, according to the Turkish General Staff.

Despite Washington previously having supplied weapons to the Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in Syria, Ankara’s campaign in the northwestern enclave of Afrin did not receive any strong condemnation from the US. The Americans only voiced concerns and urged to “exercise caution,” so as not to provoke a conflict between Turkish and US forces.

Kobani residents lashed out at American stance during the rally, accusing the US government and its allies of having “weak position,” which they say stems from US-Turkey geostrategic interests in the region.

“I say that it [the US-led coalition] did not abstain. It is rather watching the [Kurdish] people bleed,” local man Araz Abdul Rahman told RT’s Ruptly agency. He added that this position could change in a while and Washington “will support the Kurdish people.”

America’s apparently inconsistent approach was condemned by other protesters, with another man saying that Kurdish people have no friends and depend only on themselves.

And Israel.

Don’t forget that, guys.

You’ve got Israel.