Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2015

This is funny.
Obama fought against a provision in the TPP barring states from being involved if they participate in slavery or human trafficking.
The senate had voted for an amendment that would make it difficult for countries which practice slavery to participate, and the Obama administration opposed them.
That measure would bar governments considered to be complicit in human trafficking from receiving the economic benefits of a fast-tracked trade deal. Menendez, the author of the provision, has described it as a human rights protection that will prevent U.S. workers from competing with modern-day slave labor.
The administration has pushed against the provision, saying it would prevent Malaysia from participating in the deal, and eliminate incentives for the country to upgrade its human trafficking enforcement. Human rights advocates strongly support the language that passed the Senate on Friday.
The president argues that if the U.S. doesn’t cut deals with these partner countries, China will, to U.S. disadvantage.
The State Department’s human trafficking analysis of Malaysia describes the country as “a destination and, to a lesser extent, a source and transit country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and women and children subjected to sex trafficking.”
The department cites forced labor problems in Malaysia’s palm oil industry, and nonprofit groups have noted similar abuses in the Malaysian electronics industry. The State Department report says Malaysian ‘public officials… may profit from trafficking.
But, as it turns out, that provision was completely removed in the final draft.

I’m sure there are all sorts of much more horrible things going on with this particular piece of legislation, but this is especially hilarious.
The first Black President supports slavery across the planet. Because without supporting it, how could he possibly destroy the great satan with an insane trade deal designed to transfer its resources to third world parasite states?