LOL: Over 300 “British” ISIS Jihadis Have Returned to the Motherland! I Wonder What They’re Up to????

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2015

Getting off the plane at Heathrow.
Getting off the plane at Heathrow.

About half of the 700 “Britons” who have made the trip to go on a mass-murdering rampage across the Middle Eastern desert with the wacky bunch of nogoodniks known as ISIS have now returned to their “country of origin,” the Sunday Telegraph has reported, based on a leaked draft from the Home Office.

Originally, they had claimed only 500 persons had gone to join Final IslamoFantasy VII.

Experts believe that the majority of British Moslems stopped playing Jihad when they figured out there was no way to save Aerith.
Experts believe that the majority of British Moslems decided to stop playing Jihad when they figured out there was no way to save Aerith.

One has to imagine what exactly led these jihadis home.  The obvious answer is that ISIS sent them home to either do terrorism quickly or serve as sleepers.  Obviously, they will presumably be watched by security services, but this has proven time and again to not really work very well.

The idea that they are not simply arrested at the airport is simply insane.


Around 320 “dangerous” jihadists have come back to Britain, the newspaper said.

The new counter-extremism plan involves targeting Muslim Sharia courts, a ban on radicals working unsupervised with children, and a requirement that job centres identify welfare claimants who may become radicalisation targets, the report said.

There would also be welfare penalties to encourage people to learn English, in order to improve integration, and tighter rules on granting citizenship to ensure newcomers embrace “British values”, the broadsheet said.

The Home Office declined to comment on the report when contacted by AFP.

The Sunday Telegraph said it understood that the draft will be published before parliament is dissolved at the end of the month before the May 7 general election.

LOL @ “just get em to learn English, mate, then they won’t do the terrorism.”

When asked about what he thought the ISIS agents returning to Britain were doing and what he was going to do about it, David Cameron said "IDK we'll tell them to learn English ROFLMAO."
When asked about what he thought the ISIS agents returning to Britain were doing and what he was going to do about it, David Cameron said “IDK we’ll tell them to learn English ROFLMAO.”

If these people are being identified as British, they must have citizenship and thus were most likely born there, or raised there from a young age.  How is it possible they don’t speak English?

Or maybe that is just included in the article, like “hey, at least we’re doing something to stop these people who we brought into your country to live on welfare you pay for from slaughtering you all.”