Outrage: Sportsball Hero Called “Nigger,” Pelted with Peanuts by Whippersnappers

Daily Stormer
May 8, 2017

While letting monkeys join the MLB was a clever idea, it created a loophole which allowed Negroes to join as well, immediately ruining the sport.

Look, I get it.

Everyone loves those sports pet movies. Dogs playing soccer, elephants playing football, squirrels doing MMA – those are cherished childhood memories.

Who doesn’t remember snowboard chimp?

Wrestling dog, wow, best movie.

Adding this because it’s my personal favorite – Anglin

But in this drive to match every sport with every pet – a most noble endeavor, no doubt – we may have gone too far.

Chimps are one thing – but Blacks? That’s really pushing it.

While the public didn’t respond well to this new type of “Black sports” content, the producers just doubled down. Now all the sports are featuring Blacks instead of dogs, monkeys – or humans.

The people are really getting bored with this stale recycling of the same old content. If they can’t have human players, they at least want a better variety of creatures handling the balls.

This discontent is growing so great that the fans have begun throwing peanuts at the Negroes and calling them out, presumably to request their immediate replacement with bears and tigers.


Baltimore Orioles center fielder Adam Jones had a bag of peanuts thrown at him by a Boston Red Sox fan Monday evening, during a game in which Jones was also allegedly called a “nigger” multiple times, USA Today reported.

“A disrespectful fan threw a bag of peanuts at me,” Jones told USA Today, “I was called the N-word a handful of times tonight…

“I heard there was 59 or 60 ejections tonight in the ballpark. It’s unfortunate that people need to resort to those type of epithets to degrade another human being. I’m trying to make a living for myself and for my family.”

Well, maybe you should take a hint?

Maybe it’s time to go for a new career. I dunno, you can help blind people walk, or sniff for drugs at airports, or whatever it is these actors do after their careers in pet sports movies.

Ask baseball dog, there might be an opening at whatever place he’s working at now.

The golden age of pet sports movies is long over anyway, due to the rise of CGI; this has been linked to increase in viewership for the likes of MDE and TV KWA.