Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2014

The criminal wench mother of the dead cigar thief Michael Brown, who is scheduled to speak at the United Nations of the 12th of this month, has been named in a robbery attack, The Smoking Gun reports.
You may recall that your friendly neighborhood Daily Stormer reported on the woman Lesley McSpadden attacking her mother-in-law and stealing her t-shirts and t-shirt profits last month.
A copy of the police report detailing the attack was released earlier this week by city attorney Stephanie Karr. When TSG requested the report originally two weeks ago, Karr had told them that she had been instructed to withhold it from the media.
The grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, 54, was with two men selling Michael Brown t-shirts in a parking lot when McSpadden showed up with a posse and told her “you can’t sell this shit.” When the grandmother and her business partners protested, they were rushed by 20-30 men of the posse, and one of her associates had to go to the hospital following a beat-down involving a lead pipe. McSpadden then made off with the merchandise and the cash money profits.

McSpadden’s mother, Desureia Harris – the cigar thief’s maternal grandmother – was part of the posse and took part in ripping down t-shirts from a line they were hanging on. McSpadden allegedly punched her mother-in-law in the face.
The violent attack, which constitutes felony armed robbery, is still under investigation and McSpadden is yet to be formally charged. One may infer that the Federal government has something to do with this.
The fact that Brown’s mother is such a violent and deranged criminal that she is incapable of resisting the urge to rob her dead son’s grandmother, even while she is the focus of an ongoing international media storm, speaks volumes about the nature of the cigar thief himself, and certainly takes the entire “civil rights” spectacle, which has been stirred up by the Ape President and his monkey comrade Eric “Nigga, Ah be Holdin” Holder, to new levels of ridiculousness.
It will be fun to see if McSpadden engages in some sort of violent or otherwise criminal act during her visit to the UN.
Below is the full police report.