Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2015

A woman who dresses up as a man is being barred from serving as diversity manager at a US University because she is no longer diverse, The New York Times reports.
The utter weirdness of this whole thing is quite significant, so let’s go through it all slowly.
First, Timothy Boatwright, a student at Wellesley College, was initially born a girl, but because of gender confusion (more like mental instability), she chose to be a transgender.
Second, in spite of this, Boatwright checked the “female” box when applying. Upon arrival, he/she/it identified as a “masculine-of-center genderqueer.”
Third, he/she/it desired to become the school’s multicultural affairs coordinator (yuck!).
Fourth, some students ruthlessly opposed such an idea because muh patriarchy.
Hold the phone. Wouldn’t it be logical for the students to support a transgender weirdo who wants to promote and foster on-campus diversity? Because doesn’t having such a student on campus and in such a leadership position reflect the school’s diversity, tolerance, and acceptance?
I honestly don’t know what else to make of this. All I did when I read the story was lol. Only in America would such silliness occur.