LOL: UN Says US Should Give Blacks Reparations for Slavery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2016


The UN has to be shut down.

What a disgusting, evil organization.

New York Post:

The United States should give African-Americans reparations for slavery, UN experts said Tuesday, warning that the country had not yet confronted its legacy of “racial terrorism.”

Amid a presidential election campaign in which racial rhetoric has played a central role, the UN working group on people of African descent warned that blacks in the United States are facing a “human rights crisis.”

This has largely been fueled by impunity for police officers who have killed a series of black men — many of them unarmed — across the country in recent months, the working group’s report said.

Those killings “and the trauma they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynchings,” said the report, which was presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday.

I’ve got reparations for the Blacks – free plane tickets to Africa.

I’m beyond sick of these stupid, whining monkeys, and I want the hell out of my country.

They don’t want to be here and no American wants them here.

And yeah – I wouldn’t be opposed to giving them a one time cash settlement in exchange for giving-up their US citizenship.

When you add up what it costs to feed, house and clothe these people, to manage the huge government apparatus that deals with their criminality, not to mention the human cost – the deaths, the rapes, the riots the threatening nature of their presence – giving them each $20,000 on the way out would be the greatest bargain in the history of bargains.

We just need to get them out. Whatever the details of that are, I don’t really care.