LOL: UN Tells China They Need a Free Media (Why Not Tell the US and Europe???)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 7, 2016


The sickening UN has gone to China to lecture them about the need for a “free media.”


U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told China’s leaders on Thursday that a flourishing civil society and free media are key to China’s development, on one of his last visits to Beijing as U.N. leader.

“As China continues along the path of transformation and reform, I encourage China’s leaders to create the space needed for the civil society to play its crucial role,” Ban said, as Wang looked down at his lectern or stared ahead, expressionless.

Ban added that environmental activists, human rights lawyers and defenders and others “can act as a catalyst for social progress and economic goals.”

“Along with a free and independent media they can help ensure accountability, thereby helping the state to evolve better and strengthening its standing in the eyes of the people,” Ban said during the tightly managed news conference, in which only two questions were allowed.

While China’s news media have long been directed by the ruling Communist Party, President Xi Jinping signaled a further tightening of control in February when he stated that absolute loyalty to the party was the media’s highest priority.

And in Europe, you can get arrested for speaking out against government policy regarding immigration or the Jews and their idiot gas chamber hoax. The only dissent that is allowed in bastions of democracy such as Germany and Sweden is that which the government does not feel threatened by.

In the US, the media might as well be controlled by the government, as the government has allowed the media to form monopolies, all of which support the positions of the government. As with Europe, any dissent which is allowed within this controlled media is approved dissent.

We do still technically have freedom of speech, but independent media outlets – such as the one you are presently reading – are hounded endlessly. Political persecution – which is technically illegal under civil rights legislation – is allowed.


The ADL and SPLC – Jewish terrorist organizations which seek to squelch all dissent against the overarching narrative of the Jewish Occupation State – threaten companies which provide services to me, effectively making it impossible for the site to expand or even be a business at all.

I am officially completely shut off from all sources of income, and survive by my wits alone.

Most people would be unwilling to do this, and as such, real free media in these United States is all but non-existent.

We are really the only outlet of free media, tbh fam.

dat boi philando castile

Not even joking, not even bragging.

It’s just an objective fact.

Seriously, what else is there?

Maybe you should make a contribution, huh?