Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 25, 2015
In one of the best chimpout videos of the year thus far, a mulatto female with a child has a personal space violation breakdown involving a fat White woman which leads to a ride on the world’s fastest lolocoaster.

The funniest part might be the White nerds recording it and laughing while they talk about how there is no security to stop the potential scene of violence.
I guess this took place in a hospital cafeteria? I can’t tell, but that’s what it looks like.
This is what the Liveleak description says about the events leading up to the chimpout:
The woman you see at the beginning of the video, standing up is the mother. 20 minutes prior to this video she was neglecting her child as he screamed its head off in his seat. She spun him around in his chair facing the other way to ignore the tantrum. Fed up, the woman you see sitting down came over and ask politely if she needed any help. The mother then told her to go F*** herself. The woman then sat down at the table.
This is possibly a contender for the “Chimpout of the Year” award at the annual Daily Stormer Chimpout awards ceremony. It is probably a shoe-in for “Best Female Chimpout” as well as “Best Chimpout While Holding a Baby.”