Lolz-Loving Iranians Stage Second Cartoon Contest to Mock the Jew’s Biggest Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2015

I'm not sure why, but the entries from the first contest are not on the internet.  This is a Holocaust cartoon by Ben Garrison.
I’m not sure why, but the entries from the first contest are not on the internet. This is a Holocaust cartoon by Ben Garrison.

Iran is staging it’s second Holocaust cartoon contest for the purpose of mocking the sickening Jews and their retarded gas chamber hoax.

The Second International Holocaust Cartoon Contest will feature the brilliant work of Jew-haters from around the planet.


“839 artworks have also been sent to the secretariat, 686 of them have been sent to the cartoon section and 153 more are related to caricature section,” Seyed Massoud Shojayee Tabatabayee told FNA on Monday.

He said that a 12-day exhibition of the sent artworks will be held in Tehran on May 9.

Noting that a sum of 312 artists have sent their artworks to the contest, Shojayee Tabatabayee said that 104 artists are from Iran and 208 others are from foreign countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, France, Turkey and China.

Asked about the goal of the organizers, he said the contest and the exhibition intends to display the West’s double standard behavior towards freedom of expression as it allows sacrilege of Islamic sanctities, specially the recent publication of an insulting cartoon of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by French weekly Charlie Hebdo, but prevents research on the Holocaust due to the Zionist regime’s steadfast opposition.

In 2006, Iran held an exhibition on the Holocaust, participated by cartoonists from Iran and foreign countries, including the US, Indonesia and Turkey.

Though I have supported the rights of Europeans to mock Islam with their various cartoons, this is obviously something much more meaningful and much more hilarious.