London: Brainless Zoomali Runs Through Gates of Parliament with Intent to Assault Politicians

The unnamed suspect.

What sort of retard tries to attack politicians who are 100% dedicated to serving him and his people?

The answer, ladies and gentlemen, is a Somali.

Don’t let their huge bulb-shaped craniums fool you – Somalis are the dumbest creatures ever forged in the fires of Mt. Doom.

Daily Mail:

Armed police tasered an intruder after he got through the gates of Parliament and ran at officers this morning.

The man was bundled to the cobbles of New Palace Yard, not far from where Westminster terror attacker Khalid Masood murdered PC Keith Palmer last year.

The suspect is said to have ran in through gates as a taxi drove out. He made it a few metres into the Parliamentary estate before he was Tasered to the ground.

He shouted ‘we’re coming for you politicians’ before he was put in a police van and driven away, witnesses said. He is currently awaiting a mental health assessment.

The incident, which is not currently being treated as terror-related, will raise further questions about security around the Houses of Parliament, following a series of terror attacks.

One witness told The Independent: ‘I heard police shouting – at first I thought they were just shouting at tourists to stay back – but there was a guy stood just inside the gates facing [away from Parliament].

‘He was just stood there with his arms out being approached by lots of police and wasn’t responding to the screams. I heard a crack, which I guess was the Taser because I saw the Taser wires after, and he went down and very quickly they were all on him.’