Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2015

It is an obvious fact that women should not be permitted to drive cars. Not only is it extremely dangerous, causing endless numbers of human deaths as well as eternal annoyance for all male drivers. Driving can also lead women into a personal crisis of unwarranted self-importance.
And yet the filthy Jews have convinced us women have the right to drive cars.
What do they do with there own women though?
They ban them from driving cars, of course. As it would technically be illegal for them to enact their own anti-feminist laws in Britain, however, they simply threaten to kick the women’s children out of private Jew school if they refuse to follow the ban.
One of the most powerful ultra-Orthodox groups says it will punish women who drive by banning their children from schools.
Last week, rabbis from the Chasidic Belz sect in London banned women in their community from driving because it violates what they say should be female roles. The rabbis wrote an open letter expressing concern that there are an increasing among of “mothers of pupils who have started to drive” to the community’s two schools, according to the Jewish Chronicle. The rabbis said this must no longer be tolerated because female drivers violate “the traditional rules of modesty in our camp.” Starting in August, they said, children driven to school by their mothers would be expelled. The only times when women will be allowed to drive are if women have medical or similarly serious reasons—and request formal permission through a request to a committee.
In response, the sect’s female representatives wrote that they agree with the ban and “believe that driving a vehicle is a high pressured activity where our values may be compromised by exposure to selfishness, road-rage, bad language and other inappropriate behaviour.”
The sect in question, the Belz, is one of the most widespread and powerful religious groups in Israel, scattered widely through the U.K. and North America. Surprisingly, the sect is often considered more moderate than others, though many women do not traditionally drive.
But a spokesman for the chief rabbi of the U.K. has called the view “entirely removed from mainstream Jewish practice” and so has the British government. And the U.K. ambassador of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance told The Independent that “telling women they can’t drive isn’t modest, it’s alienating. I don’t see any difference between this and the ban on driving in Saudi Arabia.”
>one of the most widespread and powerful religious groups in Israel
>entirely removed from mainstream Jewish practice
After receiving complaints about the new rule, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has launched an inquiry into the declaration, calling it “completely unacceptable in modern Britain.”
Sounds like we’ve got an anti-Semite on our hands.
Seriously though, banning women from driving may or may not be going to far (I consider it more of a public safety issue than an issue of whether or not women should have the right), but it is just ridiculous that the same people pushing our women into the slut walks against us are demanding their own women be banned from driving. In our countries, mind you, not just in some extremist colony in the West Bank.