London: Moslem on Trial for Plotting Murderous Knife Rampage

The instructions are simple: if you have a knife, bin it.

You aren’t supposed to use it to plot a murderous rampage in Westminster.

Why do these Islamo-Englishmen find the concept of the knife bin so difficult to understand?


An Islamic State supporter from southern England is on trial for allegedly plotting to emulate the Westminster terror attack and go on a murderous rampage with a hunting knife.

Haider Ahmed was just 17 years old when he pledged allegiance to the Islamist terror group and plotted the attack, it is claimed, appeared at Kingston Crown Court this week.

He was living with his parents in Redhill, Surrey, when he was arrested and charged on suspicion of spreading terrorist propaganda, helping recruit others, and planning his attack.

According to The Times, Tom Little, QC, for the prosecution, told the court Tuesday: “[He was] a young man with a radical, dangerous and entrenched mindset who was in contact with others with a similar mindset in other countries.”

Ahmed was aware of other Islamic State knife attacks, he told the court. “Ahmed was, the prosecution say, no different to those individuals.”

“He would have been happy to die in the cause as he told others,” he added.

It is claimed the teen hoped to use the hunting knife to mug a drug dealer and raise cash for his radical Islamist and terrorist cause.

Ahmed was alleged to have been supplied with the weapon by one Imdadul Karim, 24, who was selling blades online.