London: Moslems Cry About Queers Calling Allah a Faggot

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 16, 2017

They just called your god a pole-smoking faggot brown man. You just going to sit there and cry about it?

Behold the ultimate logical conclusion of multiculturalism.

London Evening Standard:

Muslim leaders have lodged a formal complaint with the organisers of London’s Pride festival after placards allegedly bearing Islamophobic messages were spotted at the event.

A secularist group of former Muslims were seen carrying a series of controversial signs during the march through the capital last weekend.

Banners bearing slogans such as “Allah is gay”, “F*** Islamic homophobia” and “East London Mosque incites murder of LGBTs” were carried at the event by members of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), who were a participating group listed on Pride’s website.

But leaders from the Muslim community wrote to the event’s organisers to raise concerns the messages incited hatred.

So the Moslems were complaining that the faggots were inciting hatred because they had signs calling their sand god Allah a faggot.

Pretty funny trolling from the queers.

What’s even funnier is seeing these two groups fight with each other. It was bound to happen. Islam advocates throwing faggots off of rooftops. Therefore, when you mix Moslems with actual real life faggots, there’s bound to be hostility.

Oh well. Both of these groups are detestable. If they want to tear each other apart, we should encourage them to do so.