London: Orthodox Jewish School Faces Closure for Refusing LGBTP Lessons

If you’re looking for the kind of diversity that doesn’t stop giving, even after you’ve repeatedly shouted “stop!”, then London is for you.

Londoners have it all: ethnic cuisine, ethnic languages, people of all colors living side-by-side in explosive harmony, and a Mohammedan mayor that puts the “wacky” back in “Paki.”

Well, okay, most Londoners have it all.

Unlike us goyim, London Jews are allowed to live in segregated neighborhoods far removed from the high-definition vibrancy listed above. In these neighborhoods, Jews have their own rules, schools and police forces.

Parallel police forces are unlawful in the UK, but hey, when you’re Chosen you can Choose the laws.

Despite shielding themselves from the same enrichment that they inflict upon non-Jews with hand-wringing glee, Jews are not immune to its influence.

In the report below, for instance, we find that the hooked nose of Political Correctness has started sniffing around its own backyard – and it doesn’t like what it has found!

The Blaze:

A private Orthodox Jewish elementary school called the Vishnitz Girls School in Hackney, north London, is facing closure by the British government because it does not include curriculum that teaches children about homosexuality and gender reassignment surgery.

According to Heat Street, a report by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Schools (Ofsted) says that the Vishnitz Girls School does not teach its 212 attending children — aged three through eight — “a full understanding of fundamental British values.”

The report explained that the girls “are not taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation. This restricts pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and does not promote equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles.”

Oy, ze humanity!

How does it feel to be tikkun olam’d, kikes?

Now you know how the rest of us feel when your fellow tribesmen force us to accept sodomy, trannyism and other “fundamental British values” at legal gunpoint.

According to Schools Week, Vishnitz was not the only religious private school to fall short of the Ofsted checklist standards. Three schools have seen their Ofsted grades drop due to “lack of progress for pupils.” Bnos Zion of Bobov, also in Hackney, failed the Ofsted inspection because the school made “no reference to protected characteristics for sexual orientation and gender reassignment.”

According to British regulations, private schools that do not meet the Ofsted standards will have their school taken off the independent school registrar, which means that it will be a criminal offense for them to stay open.

Due to the insular nature of these Jewish communities, it’s difficult to know what happens to the schools that get shut down for not supporting LGBTP. I suspect that they get relocated, renamed and continue with business as usual.

Don’t be disheartened, though: Orthodox Jews are still susceptible to subversion like the rest of us.

Remember the case of Yisroel “Abby” Stein, the Hasidic Rabbi who declared himself a woman after removing the remaining 90 percent of his penis? That’s not the first “high on their own supply” story coming out of the Orthodox community, and it won’t be the last.

The bottom line is that the big Jewish Frankenstein of Political Correctness is running amok, indiscriminately corrupting everything in its path.

Religious Jews might put up a better fight than most, but it will get them in the end.