London: Tube Driver Plays Porno Over the Train’s Speaker System

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2019

I just wrote about the health problems caused by porno in my Self-Help Sunday piece, so this fits right in with today’s themes here at the Daily Stormer: a tube driver in London played porno over the loudspeaker system this week.

Apparently, he was watching porno and accidentally flipped on the speaker while it was playing.

People are laughing – and it is funny – but isn’t this a safety issue?

Listening to music or a podcast is one thing, but surely watching pornography would be distracting enough to be a safety risk, would it not?

I assume it was a nonwhite driver.

But I assume that mainly because of their ridiculousness and incompetence. Not because porno hasn’t become a fundamental part of WHITE culture.

Because it has.

In fact, future historians will likely look at pornography as one of the defining cultural phenomenons of our era. Right up there with the Holocaust, “multiculturalism” and the hysterical global warming cult.

It will rank even above Marvel comics films as part of the core of what our civilization is.

Is that funny or sad? 

It’s definitely both.