Long Beach: Murder-Suicide at Law Firm!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2017

Workplace violence.

Taking bets on the race.

Fox News:

A normally quiet neighborhood in Southern California filled with commotion Friday after a man walked into a law office and shot two people — killing one of them — before turning the gun on himself.

Fox NewsPolice received reports of a shooter at 2:25 p.m. at the law firm in the Bixby Knolls section of Long Beach – an oceanfront city south of Los Angeles, Fox 11 reported.

The gunman was not immediately identified, but Long Beach City Councilman Al Austin told the Los Angeles Times that the shooter was a former employee of a different law firm.

Dozens of police officers, including members of a SWAT team, surrounded the building. The first officers to arrive entered the office looking for the gunman, and initially encountered groups of terrified workers hiding or trying to escape, the Los Angeles Daily News reported, citing police sources.

Nearby residents said they were shaken by the sudden and significant police presence.

“When you see helicopters over your home, and they’re police helicopters, that’s a bad sign,” Kelly Bray, 61, told the Los Angeles Times.

Eventually, police confirmed the gunman and another victim were dead, with a third person was injured. The injured victim drove himself to a hospital where he was reportedly in stable condition.

It could be a white guy, of course. These things do happen – personal vendetta murders. Murder-suicide is also something white people do more than other races.

But if I had to bet… I’d say Indian.

We’ll have updates when the photo is released.