Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2015
I just this evening discovered a YouTuber called “Sargon of Akkad,” and wanted to share a couple of his anti-feminist – or rather, feminist response videos.
Nothing particularly new here, and the guy appears to be an anti-racist as well as an anti-feminist, but the videos are fun. They do contain quite a bit of profanity, for those sensitive to such things.
Here’s one deconstructing the definitions of some YouTube celebrity feminist whose videos are generally used not for inspiration but for masturbation by men who get off on slow women.
Then he broke down a video of feminist hero and #gamergate celebrity Anita Sarkeesian.
As a man watching these, I almost want to defend the poor women. They really are completely incapable of engaging in logical discussions or presenting arguments that make sense, and on a deep level, I feel a need to defend them when I see a man using logic against them.
It’s the same feeling I get when I read my own articles about Black people. Like, “man, go easy on these Negroes, their only capable of so much.”
But alas. It is necessary.