Los Angeles: Wetback Bombs Sam’s Club!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2018

One of the key defenses of the invasion of wetbacks was “well, at least they don’t blow people up like the Moslems do.”

However, that defense is disappearing as more and more Mexicans are engaging in Islam-tier behavior.

This won’t get much press because no one died.

LA Times:

A man detonated two explosive devices at a Sam’s Club in Ontario Thursday afternoon, igniting small fires and triggering an evacuation, authorities said.

When officers arrived at the store after reports of a fire, they saw a destructive device inside and a possible suspect fleeing in a vehicle, said Cpl. Eric Quinones with the Ontario Police Department. Employees used fire extinguishers to put out the flames.

A witness pointed out the suspect — later identified as Fontana resident Hugo Gonzalez, 49 — to authorities.

Officers tried to stop the man, but he refused to pull over. After a short pursuit, officers detained the man and questioned him.

Inside the man’s car, investigators found materials similar to the bomb-making materials used in the store explosion, Quinones said. He did not have details on what led up to the explosion but said the man acted alone.

I actually also hate Sam’s Club.

I remember going there as a boy with my parents and being very bored.

But not liking a place or thinking it’s a boring store is really not a good reason to bomb it.

Is this Mexican a Moslem convert? Why did he do this? Was he mad about the prices?

It’s weird.

But they will memory hole it, I’m sure. It isn’t even a top news story now.