Loser Obama Headed to Europe to Whine Like a Bitch About Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 7, 2016


The whole media is portraying Obama as a failed loser as he heads back to Russia after Brexit and amid widespread calls to end the pointless sanctions against Russia.


President Barack Obama is slated to embark on a five-day, two-country mission to buck up a beleaguered Europe and brush back an aggressive Moscow on what is expected to be his last presidential visit to the continent.

Obama is due to attend a summit of NATO allies in Warsaw, before moving on to Seville and Madrid for his first presidential visit to Spain. In both corners of the continent, he’ll be surrounded by leaders still reeling from Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union and sorting through uncertainty about the future of the decades-old experiment in international cooperation.


So funny NATO is having their summit in Poland.


Their last supporter.

The only country where a significant percentage of the civilian population actually wants a war with Russia (besides the Ukraine, if you consider that a country).

The White House says Obama will arrive with words of reassurance that the departure — whenever it occurs — won’t disrupt the decades-old trans-Atlantic ties that bind. He’ll emphasize that Britain’s exit, which does not affect its membership in NATO, only makes the 28-member military alliance more essential and its cooperation with the European Union more important. And amid leaders’ anxiety about whether his possible successor, Republican Donald Trump, would retrench from Europe, Obama will make case for stronger alliances and the benefits of globalization.

“The benefits of globalization.”

It’s a difficult argument to make.


If you asked a working AI about the benefits of globalism, it would say “just kebab.”

Similar to “the benefits of watching your entire family be murdered before being shot in the face.”

Globalization is no longer theoretical, you see. We know what it is and what it does.

Obama plans to emphasize America’s “continued, very strong support for the European project which has been at the center of so much security and prosperity” around the world, said Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser.

But if we move away from vague rhetoric, we are left asking what this “security and prosperity” actually is.

Because it seems more like globalism has led to “terrorism, race war and no jobs.”

Obama’s first stop is a sit-down with Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, presidents of the European Council and European Commission, respectively. White House officials said Obama plans to discuss the fallout from the referendum and weigh in on how he thinks negotiations should proceed.

Obama’s agenda goes far beyond the so-called Brexit fallout. NATO plans to tout new efforts to send signals to Russia. The alliance recently agreed to bolster its presence in the east by deploying four multinational battalions on a rotational basis to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

Obama also will meet Saturday with Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko to discuss the status of the stalled 2015 Minsk peace deal, which was intended to ease tensions after Russia’s incursion into eastern Ukraine. Ukraine has accused Russia of failing to fulfill its obligations by not withdrawing its troops, although the Kremlin disputes that claim.

NATO leaders will also discuss the rising threat of Islamic State attacks in Europe, the effort to address the migrant crisis caused by violence in the Middle East and North Africa and continued commitments to the mission in Afghanistan, where Obama acknowledged Wednesday the security situation was too fragile to stick to the planned timetable for drawing down troops.

The unsettling mix of issues presents a striking contrast to the Europe that Obama met eight years ago, when he bounded on the world stage with a massive campaign speech in Berlin and was embraced by a European public eagerly seeking leadership in Washington. In his first visit as president, Obama spoke hopefully of dealing with Moscow on nuclear weapons and looked ahead to new era of firmer alliances. “This is our generation. This is our time,” he said during a visit to Strasbourg, Germany for a NATO summit in 2009.

And how far he hath fallen.

You can dress a monkey up in a suit, but you can’t keep him from throwing his own poop at people.