Louis Farrakhan’s Iranian Adventure

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2018

This is pretty lolzy.


Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan led a chant of “Death to America!” on a solidarity visit to Iran this weekend, according to Iranian news sources. He also led a chant of “Death to Israel!”

Farrakhan visited Iran ahead of the renewal of U.S. sanctions against the regime at midnight on November 5. The renewed sanctions are the result of the American withdrawal from the agreement negotiated by the Obama administration, which purported to prevent Iran’s development of nuclear weapons but merely delated it.

The Algemeiner, a Jewish community newspaper based in the U.S., reported on Farrakhan’s visit, citing reports in the Iranian media.

Last month, Farrakhan posted a video of a recent sermon to Twitter in which he referred to Jews as “termites.” Leaders of the Women’s March, an anti-Trump organization aligned with the Democratic Party, are unapologetic about their ties to Farrakhan.

I have a soft spot for Louie.

He’s like… he’s like a black guy trying really, really hard to be good.

I don’t really agree with the new sanctions on Iran. But I don’t really care very much either. With the Syrian war over – thanks to Donald Trump pulling funding for ISIS – and Saudi Arabia being isolated, Iran just really isn’t very relevant to anything.

In some perfect world, I think it would be a good idea for Trump to replace Saudi Arabia with Iran as the main ally in the region. But he obviously can’t do that because of, you know – Jews.

So whatever.

I think Iran will make a deal.

But I’ve got bigger things on my mind right now.