Daily Stormer
February 17, 2014
Who better to go out and lie to the people about this silly global warming hoax than a man who cannot blush.
ABC reports:
J. Marshall Shepherd, the former head of the American Meteorological Society, says the storms are no reason to start doubting that global warming is occurring.
“It’s winter; it’s January or February, we get snow storms. That’s important,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Saying that snowstorms disprove climate change theory, he said, is “like saying that since it’s nighttime that the sun doesn’t exist anymore. On the other hand though, there is evidence, there’s some scientific literature that suggests that jet stream patterns can be affected by the amplified warming that we’re seeing up in the Arctic, because of climate change and global warming.”
Shepherd has a saying to differentiate between individual weather change and larger patterns: “Weather is your mood, climate is your personality. So you have to look beyond what’s happening right outside your window,” he said.