LSD: Microdosing and the Supernatural

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2016

Black Pigeon made a non-political video (sort of) about one of The Daily Stormer’s favorite non-political areas of interest: the relationship between psychedelic drugs and the spiritual realm.

Note that I don’t necessarily endorse microdosing LSD for nootropic purposes, and anyone considering doing so should seriously research it first as well as check legal regulations in your area.

There is a good deal of info on this and other more standard nootropic drugs over at r/Nootropics.

I believe it is important that we discuss these things openly and honestly, but that doesn’t mean that any specific chemical is necessarily a good idea to ingest.

One thing is certain: microdosing LSD is safer than taking SSRI drugs prescribed by Jew psychiatrists.