Lucia the Untouchable

Diversity Macht Frei
January 26, 2017

Another view of the attack
This is a follow-up to the article I published recently about the attack on the Spanish girl by a mob of leftists (link).
Left-wing websites are claiming the victim was a girl called Lucía, who is alleged to be a “neo-Nazi” ringleader whose nickname is ‘La intocable’ [The Untouchable]. It is claimed that her group – linked to patriotic associations such as Lo Nuestro [Ours] and Hogar Social Madrid – regularly goes on “cacerías” [hunts], bashing leftists, brown people and homosexuals. Earlier in the year, police confiscated weapons from them including a dagger with the inscription “SS Hitlerianas”.

“This group usually goes out each weekend, normally in area of Las Tascas, and it is fairly common that during these expeditions they attack people for political reasons, because of their ancestry or their sexuality. The same night as the attack, a group of almost 30 neo-Nazis was in the area, the same group that Lucía is part of. The attack Lucía suffered is said to have been in response to another attack committed by this group that night.”


Lucía certainly sounds like an interesting person.

Of course, I have no way of knowing if any of this is true. It could just be leftist propaganda.