Luciana Berger Reaps The Whirlwind After Sowing the Seeds of Twitter-War

National Action
October 28, 2014


News outlets today have reported about a campaign of ‘vile racist abuse’ targeted against Wavertree MP Luciana Berger, who this week Imprisoned our activist Garron Helm for the crime of insulting her. People from around the world are Indignant that the rights of this young National Socialist were so fragrantly violated, and the effect has been an international uproar. There have been hundreds of posts just today in a new twitter trend which has drawn the condemnation of senior Labour aides who were unable to conceal their horror that their sick stunt backfired. The Media source even made the ridiculous assertion that Berger herself was now in real physical danger because of words on the internet.

Launched from the United States, operation “Filthy Jew Bitch” has pledged to brand the 33 year old shadow health minister until she is ‘deported to Israel’. Running articles every day to ensure the success of the campaign we think this was really sweet of them – fair play to the Daily Stormer and its readers, we hope the cunt gets PTSD.


As a professional victim we remain sceptical as to whether she has actual emotions or is as deeply affected as might have been claimed – however as this started with a tweet, this outcome is fitting and represents a positive trend.

This is the first time anything like this has happened and it could not have come at a better time. Our only weapon has been courage; until now we have not had people who were willing to stand up so unapologetically. It is people like Garron who have expressed belief and commitment that are capable of inspiring others to do the same. Our organisation was founded on the premise that we were sick and tired of seeing the right wing kicked around, and so we created a separate space for giving expression to that well founded anger at the lack of justice we have been able to get. That is all, it is not through illegal means we have this strength, it is just that we are people who have little else to lose and now it is paying off.

We can thank the system for the fact we are in this position to inflict great damage only because of the way in which they foolishly deprived nationalists of the ability to participate in the democratic system and give us basic rights. Now they will reap the whirlwind as we begin to hit back.


Important precedents have been set as a direct outcome of today

1. People will think twice before they report those like us in the future, because we are able to remind them that they are acting in a corrupt manner, and there remain legal ways to apply pressure.

2. People viewed this issue politically – instead of the usual character assassination, the ideological aspect was at the centre of this. They gave Garron the respect he deserves, as somebody who is sincere in his beliefs, and are all openly discussing his right to hold and express them. The issue itself is also more clearly framed by ideological simplicity and a clear set of assumptions that was confirmed by the incident itself.

3. The enemy’s own sense of entitlement has become their weakness, who knows how long their stupid ego will keep the story going – in trying to portray themselves as the victim they both elevate the fear factor that would deter future prosecutions, and advertise their own levels of delusion which so blatantly invert reality.

It has only been a theory and experimentation until now, but that changed when hundreds heard the call. We extend our gratitude to those who came out to support our friend Garron without breaking the laws of their respective countries. The system we are against is stronger than us, but all that strength is worthless if they don’t have the stomach for the fight, and after today we suspect they do not. We hope this small victory will continue to reflect the shape of things to come.
