Lucky Shoe Shoppers Treated to Surprise Lesson in Negro Hygiene-Practices

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015

“Do i wash my hands in it or drink from it?”

One only needs take a cursory glance at the Negro to see that he is nothing like a White man, but still there are those among us who would rather ignore their instincts and pretend that he is one of us.

A further investigation of the habits of the creature is then required, in order for the correct feeling of revulsion towards them to be stimulated. A brief lesson in Congoid toilet hygiene should suffice for this purpose.

Unlike the White man who has been creating and improving upon latrine technology for thousands upon thousands of years, the Negro beast prefers to just empty their waste products on the ground.

This particular female specimen of homo inferior felt the need to urinate and so she did, right in front of a shoe-shop window for all to see.

Not content with this animal-like display she then proceeds to wipe her rump with a rag and smell it, before putting the rag back in her handbag for further use.

Probably for use as a handkerchief or food napkin.