Lunatic Superintendent Arms Students with Rocks to Throw at a School Shooter…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 24, 2018

A wide variety of solutions have been proposed to the school shooter problem.

If there is a spectrum between “confiscate everyone in the country’s guns” (The Jewish Plan) and “arm everyone at the school who can pass some basic tests, including the students” (The Anglin Plan) then… then I don’t really have any idea where within that spectrum giving the students rocks to throw at a shooter fits.

I don’t understand how this guy isn’t being fired for even suggesting this policy, let alone implementing it.

Giving students squirt guns with soapy water to shoot in the shooter’s eyes would make fifty times more sense than this. Getting hit with a rock will only increase berserker rage.

Washington Post:

One schools superintendent has a novel way to keep his students safe from school shooters: arming them with rocks.

David Helsel, superintendent of a school district in northeast Pennsylvania, explained his plan to a legislative education committee last week, drawing a flurry of local media coverage.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone,” Helsel explained about his Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County, northeast of Harrisburg, in a video broadcast by ABC affiliate 16 WNEP.“If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full of students armed with rocks, and they will be stoned.”

They will be stoned…

This like… it’s like he came up with this plan while listening to Alice in Chains.

That’s what it makes me think of.

Helsel described the bucket of rocks, which will be kept in classroom closets, as a “last ditch” option to use as an alternative to students hiding passively under desks.

“At one time, I just had the idea of river stone,” Helsel said. “They’re the right size for hands, you can throw them very hard, and they will create or cause pain, which can distract.”

His schools have been using the idea, called “go buckets,” for the past two years, according to BuzzFeed.

This actually puts students in danger. They should just be told to run. If they think they’re going to stop a man on a rampage by throwing rocks at them – because their teachers told them that would work – they are just ensuring their own death.


Or, you know – just ban Prozac and be done with it.