Lying Cuban Scumbag Cruz Says Trump’s Positions “Identical to Hillary’s”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016

As Ted Cruz gets more desperate, watching his support collapse in real time, his lies get increasingly nonsensical.

He is now saying that Trump’s positions are “identical” to those of Hillary Clinton. He made the statement to Sean Hannity yesterday.

Apparently then, Hillary Clinton wants to:

  • Build a wall on the Mexican border
  • Block entry of all Moslems
  • Dissolve “free trade” agreements
  • Defend the First and Second Amendment
  • Release the 28 blocked-out pages from the 9/11 commission
  • Audit the Fed
  • Defend Christianity and bring back Christmas
  • Allow Russia to deal with ISIS and the Syria-Iraq situation
  • Etc.