Lying Gypsies Who Falsely Accused White Grandmother of ‘Racism’ to Get £500,000 Caravan Site

Daily Stormer
July 27, 2014

Sunday School teacher José Hampson was given a criminal record last year, after the lying Gypoes accused her of ‘racism’.

I’d like to seem them try this in Romania or Bulgaria.

Oh, but they wouldn’t do that, because the native populations of those countries understand the deal with these people, and don’t play these idiot games that our entire Anglosphere plays with these subhumans.

The Gyppos immediately pick up on this vulnerability as soon as they get off the plane in England.

Daily Mail:

Gipsies who falsely accused a grandmother of racial abuse are set to be given a new caravan site at a cost to the taxpayer of more than £500,000.

The move has outraged people living near what is currently tranquil farmland, with at least two imminent house sales said to have fallen through as a result.

The council behind the proposal has already spent £145,000 trying to throw the group off their existing camp on green belt land.

And the gipsy family meant to benefit from the new site have said there is no guarantee they would move there in any case.

The plan would see taxpayers provide a new site for five mobile homes belonging to the Linfoot family.

Last year the family falsely claimed toy shop owner and community stalwart José Hampson, 78, had called them ‘dirty ******* gippos’ in a row over their illegal camp.

Mrs Hampson, a widowed former Sunday school teacher, was given a criminal record after being found guilty of racially aggravated harassment, but after an 11-month nightmare her good name was restored when a judge quashed the conviction.

Michael Linfoot pictured outside Preston Magistrates Court.

Now the council has been told it must find the Linfoots a permanent site and residents of a quiet row of terraces this month learnt that farmland behind their homes had been chosen – despite being the most expensive of nine potential sites to develop, at £560,000.

Mrs Hampson said: ‘I don’t see why they should receive special treatment like this, especially if it means another beautiful spot is spoiled as a result.’

The proposal has led to a campaign from residents of Cowling Road, the chosen site on the edge of the Lancashire market town of Chorley.

Currently grazed by cattle, the land was reputedly given to the council by a former mayor for £1 on condition it was used to benefit the townspeople.

Glenn Hutchinson, landlord of the adjacent Spinners pub, said: ‘It’s not the right place, it’s as simple as that.

It’s a semi-rural location on the outskirts of town. All the residents around here are appalled we were not informed of this by the council even though dozens of others were consulted.’

The proposed site that the Council is intending on paying for at Cowling Road on the edge of Chorley, Lancashire.