Daily Stormer
February 14, 2015

In Alternet, a filthy Jewish snake named Steven Rosenfeld has come out in the way of the parking spot massacre and claimed that White people are committing more violence than anyone else in America.
In an article entitled “Angry, armed and white: The typical profile of America’s most violent extremists,” he asserts:
We can safely say that Craig Stephen Hicks fits the profile of the most common type of domestic violent extremist—a white man with grievances and guns. Whether he was provoked by road rage, rage against neighbors who wore traditional Muslim clothing, or other simmering grudges and pathologies, his alleged killing of three young Muslims underscores a trend that mainstream U.S. media avoids: that the face of violent extremism in America since 9/11 is predominantly white. Muslims in America, while not exempt from crime, simply do not compare.
There’s no shortage of crime statistics confirming this. A 2001-2015 “Homegrown Extremism” analysis by the New America Foundation parsed the “ethnicity, age, gender and citizenship” of people who killed or violently attacked others, whether they were motivated by jihadist philosophies or other “right wing, left wing or idiosyncratic beliefs.” Of 448 extremists counted, white men who were U.S. citizens outnumbered every other demographic by wide margins.
“Quite a few reports agree, that more Americans have been killed by the radical right since 9/11 than by jihadists,” said Mark Potok, spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes and focuses on the radical right. “Obviously, if you go back one day to 9/11 (2001), nearly 3,000 people were killed.”
As a wise man once said, there are lies, there are damned lies and then there are statistics. What the Jew Rosenfeld, with the assistance of the Jew Potok, have done here is create variables which specifically single-out the type of violent crime White people commit, and exclude all other forms of violent crime.
Firstly, these numbers are dishonestly calculated. This Hicks fellow, for example, was a leftist and in fact a supporter of the SPLC, and is only getting hit with this hate crime investigation because of the current witch-hunt climate in America.
Secondly, the reason we don’t have as much Islamic terrorism as Europe is that we don’t have as many Moslems. What we have is a bunch of Blacks and Mexicans who do virtually nothing other than commit crimes. It just so happens they don’t do it for ideological reasons, unless you qualify hatred of Whites (and other Blacks) as an ideology.

Even if you accept the notion that Mexicans and Arabs are White (which is how they are labelled in government statistics), Blacks are eight times more likely than “Whites” to commit murder. But they’re not violent extremists according to these Jews because they don’t have a political belief system. To that I would say number one, a person is going to be equally dead regardless of the political beliefs of the person who murdered them, and number two, show me any Black person with a political belief. It really isn’t a thing.