Lying Jew Sanders Says He Would Win Against Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders, a Jewish zombie who died in 1992 and dug his way up out of the grave to run for President sometime in 2015, he come out and said he would beat Donald Trump in a head-to-head match-up.

As Hillary’s campaign continues to get more and more problematic, due to her criminal behavior and her husband’s intense sex life, it is becoming more and more likely “The Bern” will indeed be the Democratic candidate.

NBC News:

Bernie Sanders said Sunday that “there would be nothing more in this world that I would like” than to face Donald Trump in a general election fight, and that he would “beat him badly.”

“I would very much look forward to a race against Donald Trump, a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage, but wants to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top two-tenths of 1% who thinks wages in America are too high and who thinks that climate change is a hoax, invented by the Chinese,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Chuck, there would be nothing more in this world that I would like than to take on Donald Trump. We would beat him, and we would beat him badly.”

His comments come as polls have shown him narrowing Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s lead in Iowa and opening up his own lead in New Hampshire. While the former Secretary of State still holds a significant advantage over the Vermont Senator in national polling, the tightening race in the two early voting states have some political observers questioning whether Clinton is the inevitable Democratic Party nominee, as most have long expected.

But that has many Democrats fretting over Sanders’ general election prospects, and he has yet to earn the endorsement of any sitting senators or governors. Sanders brushed off his lack of support as evidence of the establishment versus grassroots dynamic of the primary.

“[That lack of support] tells me that we are taking on the political establishment, we’re taking on the economic establishment, the financial interest in this country, and we’re taking on the corporate establishment,” he said.

I don’t know if Bernie would get beat worse than Hillary or not. I am somewhat looking forward to Trump vs. Hillary, however, as I desire to see this woman fully destroyed in the most humiliating manner possible, and Trump will obviously do this.

Trump vs. Bernie would just be boring.
