Daily Slave
March 11, 2015

Every day I am becoming increasingly fascinated with the deranged inner workings of the Jewish mind. One such case study that I have been paying close attention to is that of the White-hating Jew pig named Tim Wise. Currently, this foul creature is delivering speeches around college campuses as part of an effort to pollute the minds of young people with his disgusting and shocking hatred of White people. We have openly called for White people to confront him ideologically on his mean spirited behavior.
Just hours ago, this lying Jew rat claimed in a Facebook posting, that we want a riot to occur at the speech he is scheduled to deliver at Indiana University tonight.
This is 100% false. We certainly do not desire a riot or any violent confrontation to occur. My original commentary simply suggested that White people who show up to protest this Jew should be prepared to defend themselves from violent attacks by anti-fascist and Marxist faggots. I went on to say that such a confrontation would only be positive in the sense that it would generate news coverage highlighting our cause while exposing the violent nature of these anti-fascist groups.
Unlike these Jewish and Marxist queers, we have no need to use violence to further our cause because it is based on sound logic and reason. On the other hand, our opposition has a political belief that is illogical and against the natural order of things. This is why they resort to using violence as a means to scare and silence their political opponents.
In 2013, a local anti-fascist group bragged about committing violent acts against members of the Traditionalist Youth Network who protested a previous appearance by this Jew at Indiana University. This is a perfect example proving my point and why I warned protesters that they must have the means to defend themselves if assaulted or attacked by these violent subversives.
Of course like a typical lying Jew, Wise is blaming his political opponents for what he and his squad of Marxist queers are guilty of. He even gave the impression that if he could push a button to kill all of us that he would do so. Not a surprise considering he has previously called for violent attacks against White Tea Party members and then claimed he was only joking about killing them.
Sadly, his Jewish, Black and faggot Facebook followers believed everything he said. Look at some of these posts and try not to laugh.
Clearly Wise has succeeded in stirring up his retarded followers. Don’t be surprised to see some violent Negroes show up alongside his other faggot supporters. Just be prepared to defend yourself from these insane individuals. Like I said before, if you are attacked, a can of mace or pepper spray squirted into the face of these queers will make them cry six million tears.
It is also important to note that Bloomington, Indiana is supposed to have some really good weather for this event. If you live in the area, there is no excuse for you not to attend the protest which is being organized by the Traditionalist Youth Network. It couldn’t be any more obvious that this Jew is scared that there is real opposition forming against him.
Let him know that this will not stop until he leaves the country.