Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2015

For Jews, every human tragedy presents a new embezzelment scam.
Good on these Yazidis for calling out this lying Jew.
A group of Yazidi spiritual leaders, politicians, activists and aid workers have demanded that the Jewish Montreal businessman claiming to have rescued 128 Christian and Yazidi women and children from the Islamic State, or ISIS, provide evidence that he is saving lives.
Steve Maman has been nicknamed the “Jewish Schindler” for founding the Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq project, which purports to have saved 128 women and children from sex slavery and abuse at the hands of ISIS.
Hahaha! His name is literally “Maman“!
In a letter published on Wednesday by Vice News, 20 advocates for the Yazidis questioned Maman’s methods and demanded that he inform Yazidi leaders about the specific people his group has rescued.
Maman told Vice News that he has not revealed the names of all 128 people he has saved in order to protect their identities and to uphold the integrity of the work his group is doing. He said that some people, if provided with names and information about those he has rescued, might take credit for the rescues.
There you have it. He can’t provide the names because someone else might take credit for his great work.
Apparently, he has no proof he rescued anyone or he wouldn’t be worried about that. Forgot to take pictures of the rescue, I guess, and maybe all the people he rescued will lie and say they were rescued by others.
Here’s the best bit:
Maman had also told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. that his Jewish roots inspired him to undertake the project.
Of that, there can certainly be no doubt.