Lying Kike System Reacts to Being Called-Out on Jussie Smollett Hoax as Hoaxster Professes Innocence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2019

Firstly, this isn’t the hoax of the century, the Holocaust is the hoax of all of the centuries.

Secondly, it isn’t even as big of a hoax as that prank call bomb threat hoax the Jews did against their own Jew community centers.

But this is the biggest hoax to get called out as a hoax in a very long time.

And this is really like BOOM – right in the dick of the media.

And to have it come at the same time that they’re all getting fucking sued for hoaxing Nick Sandmann – WOW.

Both of these were obvious anti-white staged hoaxes, that the media promoted on purpose to defame white people as a group. That isn’t even debatable.

They’re not trying to debate it. They’re just freaking the fuck out.

The black faggot Don Lemon just about lost his shit – literally, because no anal retention and so on.

Donny the Bib looks like he’s about to sing a heartbreaker for Jussie.

Watching him, I kept thinking of him changing “Joey” to “Jussie” and singing him this one:

But probably he’d sing him Whitney Houston.

Goddamn man, is there anything on the entire earth worse than a black faggot? 

All of these media people are claiming “oh my gawd but what about the real hate crimes????”

In fact, there are no real hate crimes. All of these have proved to be hoaxes. The thing that they will keep trying to force-meme is that black trannies are getting murdered.

From a Washington Post cope-post about how even though Smollett is a hoaxer, hate crimes are real somehow:

The Human Rights Campaign website states: “According to a 2014 report on hate violence against LGBT and HIV-affected communities, Black survivors of hate violence were 1.3 times more likely to experience police violence than their non-Black counterparts. Black survivors were also twice as likely to experience any physical violence, twice as likely to experience discrimination and 1.4 times more likely to experience threats and intimidation during acts of hate violence. Additionally, Black transgender women face the highest levels of fatal violence within the LGBT community and are less likely to turn to police for help for fear of revictimization by law enforcement personnel.

Come on now.

What’s going on there?

Obviously, black bucks go and sodomize these trannies, then after their load is blown, they kill it because it’s a man and they feel sickened by their actions.

Now, that may or may not be a hate crime, but it isn’t a racist hate crime, and it definitely does not fit their narrative. So they just come out with this “blah blah blah millions of dead black trannies, none of the murders have been solved” and sort of vaguely imply that maybe white men in red hats are doing that. But everyone knows what that is. Come on.

Here are a few other mind-bogglers from the damage control zone:

Yeah, run with that, Jews.


And again, the world can see it.

She Big Momma is Be Feel Sad n Shit

Big Momma Kamala done come out and broke she silence about all this here.

Daily Mail:

Senator Kamala Harris has broken her silence on the Jussie Smollett case, three weeks after calling the alleged hate hoax a ‘modern day lynching‘.

Harris, a top contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, issued a statement on Thursday, hours after ignoring reporters’ questions on the case at a lunch meeting with Rev. Al Sharpton in Harlem.

‘Like most of you, I’ve seen the reports about Jussie Smollett, and I’m sad, frustrated and disappointed,’ said Harris, a California Democrat.

Yeah, I’ll bet you’re sad, you sloppy fat bitch.

Ain’t nobody gon trust yall niggas no mo.

Hoax em if ya got em!

You knew this was a hoax when you came out and supported it. Tons of people – including blacks – were smart enough not to endorse this shit. You didn’t see Obama out there running his mouth.

Kamala, my dear sweet big momma, if you’re trying to tell people you genuinely believed this was real when you heard about two white guys roaming the streets of Chicago at 2:00 AM with a bottle of bleach and a rope looking for gayniggers, then you are saying “I’m a cartoonishly stupid nigger who just believes anything anyone ever says about white people doing bad things.”

Get da fuck outta here with that bullshit, big momma.

Niggas ain’t got time fo dat.

Fox Drops That Nigga

Fox was standing by this lying Jewish homosexual negro up until the real ball dropped – now they’re kicking him totally off the show and removing scenes he already filmed.


Jussie Smollett has been removed from the final Season 5 episodes of the Fox series “Empire” in the wake of his arrest Thursday morning.

“The events of the past few weeks have been incredibly emotional for all of us” said series executives Lee Daniels, Danny Strong, Brett Mahoney, Brian Grazer, Sanaa Hamri, Francie Calfo and Dennis Hammer. “Jussie has been an important member of our ‘Empire’ family for the past five years and we care about him deeply. While these allegations are very disturbing, we are placing our trust in the legal system as the process plays out. We are also aware of the effects of this process on the cast and crew members who work on our show and to avoid further disruption on set, we have decided to remove the role of ‘Jamal’ from the final two episodes of the season.”

The really fucked up thing about all of this is that I am 100% sure I could spin this into a successful career for Jussie Smollett.

I can’t even begin to imagine how much money I would be making if I was a shill for Jews.

Sorry Not Sorry

The second most fucked up thing about this is that Jussie is out there proclaiming innocence – even while they have a check he signed to the Nigerians.


Jussie Smollett apologized to the cast and crew of “Empire” on Thursday night for any embarrassment the recent allegations may have caused, but he maintained that he was innocent, a person at the meeting told CNN.

The person at the meeting said they were shocked and dismayed that Smollett stuck to his story of innocence. For the most part, the source said, Smollett paraphrased what was in the statement that his attorney put out that afternoon, blaming the legal system and the media for his woes.

20th Century Fox Television executive VP of corporate communications and publicity, Chris Alexander, confirmed that Smollett was on set filming on Thursday.

He was totally ready to throw these Nigerians under the bus and claim that they attacked him simply because they hate faggots and wanted to help Donald Trump do MAGA by taking out a faggot nigger. So now I guess he’s just going with that and trying to claim the Nigerians set him up.

I don’t know what the hell else he can do when these Nigerians turned state’s evidence. He has to claim this was some kind of Nigerian 419 type scam. Maybe he’ll claim he wrote the Nigerians a check because they told him it was a downpayment on a castle.

He needs to make a public statement, like “they chopped my dollar.”

Or, most probably, he’s just claiming innocence so he can play up the idea that he’s insane.

But he obviously isn’t insane, he’s just a stupid nigger who couldn’t execute the plan that the Jew half of his brain came up with. Because this obviously would have worked if he could have pulled it off. No one knew who he was until Nigerians put the bleach on him – then he was a cause célèbre. And he clearly could have pushed that into a major career lift.

Pushing getting caught in this extreme hoax into a career lift would be difficult. And he couldn’t do it unless I was his manager.

And I’m not touching this shit, let me tell you.

I think he’s literally going to federal prison for sending white powder through the US Postal Service. The feds don’t really fuck around with that shit.

That’s about the only place those satanic pedophile fed badge-niggers are still old school.

If they do decide to fuck around with that shit in this one specific case, well – that is going to say a whole lot about where we are as a country.