Lying Spic Says He will Honestly Deport All Spics

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2016

U.S. Senator Cruz speaks during fifth annual Washington Ideas Forum at the Newseum in Washington

The lying spice Bread Cruzman Sachs has announced that he will honestly deport all his fellow spic invaders.

You can trust him because he’s a Christian, goyim.

Daily Caller:

Sen. Ted Cruz wants Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to round up America’s 12 million illegal immigrants and deport them.

Monday on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” Cruz said, “Of course” he would send government agents looking for the all the illegal immigrants in America because “that’s what ICE exists for.”

Host Bill O’Reilly began by insisting, “Here is a policy question I need to you define for me tonight. Twelve million illegal aliens here in America. Mr. Trump says he would deport them forcefully. The federal authorities would round them up and send them back home– costs a lot of money but he says it’s all worth it because we just can’t allow the law to be broken this way. Would you round up 12 million illegal aliens here and if so is how?”

“Listen, we should enforce the law,” Cruz said. “How do we enforce the law? Yes, we should deport them, we should build a wall, we should triple the border patrol, and federal law requires that anyone here illegally that’s apprehended should be deported.”

O’Reilly responded, “Would you go look for them though? Because Mr. Trump would look for them to get them out. Would you do that if you everywhere president?”

“Bill, of course you would,” Cruz argued. “That’s what ICE exists for. We have law enforcement that looks for people who are violating the laws, that apprehends them, and deports them.”

Nevermind that his original position was the exact opposite of this.

You can trust him. Stupid goyim.

This is the man of the fetuses.