Macron Celebrates Impending Overthrow of Venezuelan Leader by Movement Less Popular Than Yellow Vests

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2019

Jeez man wow.

How lacking in self-awareness is this guy?


Emmanuel Macron has praised the “courage” of Venezuelan protesters but fell short of recognizing self-declared “acting president” Juan Guaido. His desire to exert influence on Latin America could back him into a corner in Paris.

“After the illegal election of Nicolas Maduro in 2018, Europe supports the restoration of democracy. I salute the courage of the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans marching for their freedom,” Emmanuel Macron tweeted in French on his official account.

The French leader went beyond the official statement from the EU, which has called for “an immediate political process leading to free and credible elections, in conformity with the constitutional order” although President Maduro’s second term officially runs to 2024.

The messages came as months of anti-government protests flared into violence over the past week, with National Assembly leader Guaido publicly proclaiming himself the new interim leader of the country during a rally in central Caracas on Wednesday.

The funniest thing about this might be that with an approval rating in the teens in his own country, and a violent revolution on his hands, Macron still has the nerve to say “Europe supports” as if he is still the “voice of Europe” that he was declared to be 18 months ago.

But the more obvious funny thing is that Macron is supporting a violent revolution against a leader who is without any question much more popular than he is while he has people rioting in his own country and demanding he step down.

Maduro’s approval rating is also very low, somewhere in the low twenties. So arguably, the people do have a right to overthrow the government because he’s refusing to leave.

I don’t really care about what is going on in Venezuela, so it’s whatever. It certainly makes me uncomfortable that people like Macron are supporting a violent revolution in the country. But just as a general rule, if you get down below a quarter of the people supporting a leader, the people presumably have a moral right to violently overthrow the government, regardless of any other details, because you are living under a type of tyranny at that point.

I believe “tyranny” has in its definition “without consent of the governed.”

But what exactly is the difference between the situation of Maduro and that of Macron?

Both are extremely unpopular leaders with violent mobs in their streets attempting to depose them.

How can one have a moral right to rule and the other not?

nb4 “elections” – Venezuela just had an election.

Of course they say it’s a sham election and blah blah blah – but any of those allegations could also be lodged against France.

Or any other Western country.

We’ve already discovered a massive conspiracy in that great bastion of democracy – America – to rig the 2016 presidential election. We literally had the opposition party, the national intelligence agencies and the sitting president plotting to stop Trump from winning. The fact that he did end up winning doesn’t change the reality that they engaged in a conspiracy to try to stop him from winning.

So people can shout “no true democracy” all they want, but the only thing that is actually measurable is “consent of the governed.” And Macron has less of that than Maduro.