Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2015

The deranged used-up old whore Madonna – you know, the whole who named herself after the Holy Mother of Christ and then sang a song called “Like a Virgin” while dressed as a go-go dancer – has said she would like to sit down and have a drink with Marine Le Pen, so as she can understand the mind of a true fascist.
Maybe instead she should offer to drop acid with her, then perhaps she can understand the doors of perception of Total Fascism.
Given the less than amicable history between the American singer and Le Pen, it would be fair to say that, should the drink ever take place, it might not be the most comfortable of social occasions. In 2012, after Madonna superimposed an image of a swastika on to Le Pen’s face during a Paris concert, she was threatened with a lawsuit from the French National Front party (she later replaced the swastika with a question mark to avoid litigation).
As recently as last week, during an interview on the French radio station Europe 1, the diva described Le Pen’s National Front party as “fascist”, and argued that France now “feels like Nazi Germany”, due to the fact that “anti-Semitism is at an all-time high”. The singer also told the radio station that she had received “a lot of criticism and threats” from Le Pen.
But now, in an interview on Monday on the French television network Canal+, Madonna has spoken about her desire for a face-to-face meeting with the politician.
“I would like to sit down and have a drink with her. I want to understand where she’s coming from,” she said.
“I would like to meet her and really hear it from her mouth to my ears what she believes in in terms of human rights, yes in terms of human rights – not only in France but in all of the world.”
“Maybe I misunderstood Marine Le Pen. I’m not sure. I don’t want to start a war. I want peace in the world.”
But no, you whore – Marine doesn’t want to hang out with you because see, like everyone else who has ever seen a picture of you, knows you are all hopped up on Nebido and she’s afraid you’d snap and beat her up!
You might be able to pull of this “robotic prostitute who barely survived the Temple of Doom” look Madonna, but Marine needs to look pretty for the cameras – and she can’t do that after some jack-up talentless slag smashes her face in during roid rage!