Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
December 26, 2014

Undoubtedly most seekers of truth have come across the Illuminati conspiracy for world domination in their research. Even though the Illuminati was a real historical group and there is some evidence to suggest that it secretly survived as a subversive entity into the 20th century, there is no concrete evidence proving that it still exists as a formal organization.
Even if it still does exist in some form, most symbolism and references linked to the Illuminati are promoted by companies owned and run by Jews. As a result, I have come to the conclusion that exposing Jewish power is the most important thing we can do regardless of if this Illuminati group still exists or not. If it does happen to still exist in some capacity, we can deal with the Illuminati after the Jews are removed from power. I would think that even people who believe in this Illuminati conspiracy would find it difficult to disagree with this logic.
What I find fascinating is that there are still various figures within the alternative media that will talk non-stop about the Illuminati and secret societies but refuse to mention anything about Jewish power. I do not know if this is because they are afraid of being called a “racist” an “anti-Semite” or are just paid shills. Perhaps it is a combination. The Vigilant Citizen, Mark Dice and Alex Jones are some of the more prominent media figures who continue to push these themes despite the fact that they are being continually discredited for doing so.
When a new Madonna track called “Illuminati” was allegedly leaked, these fake truth figures immediately jumped over the story. The track features Madonna singing about many of the typical conspiracy themes that we have seen promoted by the fake truth movement. Even though it is possible that these tracks were legitimately leaked, it is also highly possible that they were intentionally leaked as a public relations stunt. Just look at all the attention Madonna has received from the alternative media because of it.
Shortly after the alleged leak, the decision was made to put a bunch of tracks on sale undoubtedly to capitalize on the free PR they received. But who knows, maybe that was the whole plan from the start. Intentionally leak the tracks, generate PR and then sell them.
What is ignored is the fact that Madonna is surrounded by Jews.
Her manager is a Jew named Guy Oseary.
Back in 2011 she signed a multi-album deal with Interscope Records which is owned by Universal Music Group. UMG is run by a Jew named Lucian Grainge. Interscope itself was founded by a Jew named Jimmy Iovine who ran it for nearly 25 years until stepping down in 2014.
Madonna herself has openly talked about her connection to Jewish mysticism. Specifically she was connected to some weird rabbi named Phil Berg.
Despite all of this verifiable documented information about Madonna’s business and even spiritual connections to Jews, this information is completely ignored by the alleged truth movement. If they were really interested in the truth, surely this information would be of interest to them.

But getting back to the main point, this “Illuminati” track from Madonna is just the latest of many examples where the Jewish run entertainment industry has intentionally inserted this type of Illuminati conspiracy stuff into their products. It is designed to misdirect seekers of truth into believing said Illuminati conspiracy and ignore the fact that Jews are running most of the important institutions in America and throughout the West.
Be sure to read more my previous article which gets into further detail as to why said Illuminati conspiracy is good for Jews over at the Daily Stormer.