Madrid Tries to Block Catalonia Referendum and Keep Country From Crumbling

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2017

Spain is going to hell in a handbasket.

Dindu’s are washing up on her shores, lured in by the mating calls of beached White landwhales

This is like a scene from Camp of the Saints

Apart from the invasion, there is also a secession crisis going on.


In a move many people thought would never happen, the Catalan parliament approved a referendum that would allow a vote on the region’s independence from Spain.

The central government seeks intervention from the Constitutional Court. But short of invasion who is going to stop the vote?

Catalonia is the richest, Whitest and libshitiest part of Spain. There you have all the sons and daughters of rich bankers LARPing as grungy hipsters and pretending to give a shit about refugees. Students from rich upper-class families the world over come to Barcelona to waste their time getting high, acting all artsy and shit and spending their parents’ money. As cancerous as all of that is, I assure you, I’m actually playing it down. In fact, the bohemian sub-culture of the city has taken it upon itself to combat the one source of money for the region, tourism.

Yes, White European or American tourists are the problem, not the Moslem horde. Priorities.

This one is particularily evocative:

Hipster glasses, gay little beard, relaxing around Blacks. Three strikes. 

The other parts of Spain are much poorer and as you go south, they are less White as well.

Madrid is in the center of Spain and also represents the central authority of Spain. They don’t want Catalonia to go because Catalonia pays for all the other parts of Spain that are mired in poverty. If Catalan goes, Madrid loses its budget. On the other hand, Spain will lose its most libshit province and become more conservative overnight. So maybe this is a good thing? Like Calexit for Spain.

But this reasoning is flawed.

What is left of Spain will be much poorer and unable to resist the globalists, who will continue to bribe the Spanish politicians into accepting the Third World horde. Spain already suffers from terror attacks and is feeling the pressure. ISIS considers Spain to be Caliphate territory because it used to belong to filthy goat-fucking Moslems. Spain is behind a hammer and a hard place. They need a new Franco to bring order to the country. Fun fact: Franco hated the Catalonians and that man was right about everything.

But this process of balkanization is inevitable in Europe and the rest of the White world as well. Anyone who is red-pilled can look into the future and see that this is inevitable.  In fact it will be a process started and encouraged by Liberals so that they can insulate themselves from the disastrous results of their own policies and foist the mess on the poorer proles that they so deride.

But all it does is accelerate the day that a new Franco will arise. Harsher and more punishing than the one before. And then the cucks, the caliphate and the Catalans will feel the arm.