MAGA Hats Represent Genocide and Anti-Tranny Professor Targeted for Shutdown

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2017

Some dumb spic bitch stole a guy’s MAGA hat and then threatened him while admitting she hates America and wants to turn it into another Mexico.

That’s not new news, nobody will look at this video and be surprised.

More relevant is the professor who people are demanding be fired for speaking out against radical feminism and state-sanctioned child transitions.

The calling for a firing part isn’t surprising or new either, but what he said was “transgender rights groups are pushing for the complete shutdown of parental rights.”

This kind of thing is already happening in Canada.

If you’re not a leaf (or maybe are but just don’t give a shit about Ontario) you may not have heard about this.

Essentially, this bill allows the government of Ontario to physically remove children from their parents if the parents do not allow their young children to take hormone treatments and chop their dicks off, truly a stunning and brave piece of legislature.

So if you’re a parent and don’t want your son to turn into something like this, your child will be taken by the state, have hormones injected into him, and likely at some point get state-funded penis-chopping.

On the plus side, if and when this bill starts being enforced acceleration will take place in Canada, because generally, people don’t take very kindly their children being taken from them and abused.