Magic Ben Turns Down Position in Trump Admin, Fearing His Lack of Experience Could “Cripple the Presidency”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2016


This may well be the funniest thing yet.

LA Times:

Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, didn’t let his lack of experience in elected office stop him from running for president.

But now the former Republican candidate has taken himself out of the running for a Cabinet position in Donald Trump’s new administration because he believes he lacks the background necessary to manage a federal agency, according to Carson’s longtime advisor.

“Dr. Carson doesn’t feel like that’s the best way for him to serve the president-elect,” the advisor, Armstrong Williams, told Reuters.

“Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency,” Williams told the Hill newspaper. “The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”

A few months ago, he was running for President. Now he feels too incompetent to hold any office.

Those people who voted for him must be feeling like retards now, no?

Anyway, the fact is, Ben earned an office by endorsing Trump early on. I of course want a White government, but that’s a ways off whatever the case and as far as diversity hires go, I’m okay with Magic Ben.

I have no idea what the behind the scenes could have been here. I know that Ben made himself pretty scarce during the last few months of the campaign, presumably because he didn’t test well with audiences.

Trump wouldn’t have broken a deal with him, however. I’m certain of that. And he had to have made some kind of deal before the endorsement. There were still a lot of candidates in the race when he dropped out.

So this decision not to take an appointment had to have been his own. Maybe it’s just as simple as him looking at the situation and being like, “yeah, I’m really not qualified to be in the government – wtf was I thinking running for president lmao.”